JUHAN Affective Objectives
1. Students adhere to the core principles of humanitarian action that all possible steps should be taken to prevent or alleviate human suffering.
2. Students demonstrate a commitment to the principle of “do no harm” in examining the consequences of their actions on humanitarian crises.
3. Students show value for the role of mutually empowering action for all participants.
4. Students show value for democratic principles of participation.
5. Students are attuned to the gendered implications of humanitarian action.
6. Students can communicate their sense of fulfillment and frustration when they take humanitarian action.
7. Students are able to reflect on the efficacy of their individual and collective action in a global social problem.
8. Students show willingness to view humanitarian crisis from multiple perspectives and are more comfortable with complexity and ambiguity.
9. Students are open to learning about others’ beliefs and cultures.
10. Students demonstrate a commitment to addressing humanitarian crises regardless of where they occur.
These affective objectives were developed by faculty collaborators at Fairfield, Fordham, and Georgetown Universities. Thus, this program reaches across institutional boundaries, providing students and faculty with a wide range of resources and opportunities.
Excerpted from the JUHAN Assessment Toolkit for Universities’ Humanitarian Engagement, June 2012