“TRIAGE: Dr. James Orbinski’s Humanitarian Dilemma” (2008)
“TRIAGE: Dr. James Orbinski’s Humanitarian Dilemma” (2008) In the 1990s, Dr. James Orbinski began work with Doctors Without Borders,...
“TRIAGE: Dr. James Orbinski’s Humanitarian Dilemma” (2008) In the 1990s, Dr. James Orbinski began work with Doctors Without Borders,...
“Angels in the Dust” (2007) “Angels in the Dust” is a moving documentary that tells the story of Marion...
“Worlds Apart: Global Stratification” (2005) This film explores the question of how one continent can be abundantly wealthy, while...
“Blue Gold: World Water Wars” (2009) Water is the most fundamental and essential source of human survival. At the...
“Fire in the Blood: A Tale of Medicine, Monopoly & Malice” (2013) “People are dying and the medicines are...
“The Trouble with Aid” (2012) Can aid really do more harm than good? “The Trouble with Aid” is a...
“Our Brand is Crisis” (2005) This 2005 film, with a 2015 remake set to release by the end of...
“Screamers” (2006) “They say those who forget history…are doomed to repeat it.” Why are there continued practices of systematic...
“Beyond Borders” (2003) “Beyond Borders” is a 2003 romantic-drama, starring Angelina Jolie, that tells the story of two humanitarian...
“Nefarious: Merchants of Souls” (2011) Human slavery is perhaps one of the most grave and heinous offenses against humanity…and...